Monday 31 January 2011

A troublesome day at school....

Today I got into a lot of trouble. My parents split up last night after Mum finding text messages from another women on my Fathers don't need me to go into the details of what followed. A summary is that I walked away with a possible broken hand with Dad having a definite broken nose. He left within an hour or so.

So today - I'm sure you can imagine - I went to school upset and enraged. Mum is a walking wreck. So, it didn't take long for me to get myself into trouble. It was first period - Science - Great!! My teacher has no ability in controlling the class, so we spend most of the time talking over her pathetic attempt at raising her voice. I sit next to a rugby player who thinks he owns the Universe, so we always have a bit of banter, furthering our resentment for each other every time. I don't believe he said anything worse than the norm today, but I just couldn't stop myself from threatening him; he laughed at me, so I thought it would be a great idea to take threat to reality. During our lunch hour I drew a crowed for witnesses and encouragement; I broke his eye-socket, temporarily blinding his left eye. I have now broken my hand!

I have been put forward for anger-management lessons, which is a joke. I explained the situation I am in, but it didn't help anything. I saw the counsellor in isolation - isolation is possibly the most exciting experience of my life by the way, snow balls have been spotted in hell too - she is a very nice lady, but what a pointless exercise it is going to be. I know my troubles. I know that in time it will pass.

So, I sit here with a broken hand - miserable and hungry - explaining what has been an awful few days, not regretting a single action I made. My mother has always told me never to regret choices you make because, at the time, they felt right. I would, and never will promote violence to solve problems, or conquer feelings. But in this case I beat a cheater, which will be forgiven in time and is understandable in response to the situation I was put in. I also beat a bully, hopefully it will make him think twice in the future, as I'm sure he did not like being on the receiving end of what he dishes out daily.

Many people may believe that I have done wrong today. But before your judge I ask you to think back to whenever you have thought about what you would do if put into a certain situation. If someone killed a family member, would you react within the law or look for revenge. You grew up in a deprived area, would you look to drugs and gangs or would you ignore your surroundings and carry on with a normal suburban lifestyle. What I am trying to say is that you never really know what you will do until you are experience the situation yourself, for emotions are a powerful thing. Especially emotions in response to betrayal.



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